
Electromagnetic Pollution: A Silent Threat to Biohabitability

Joaquin Machado

The environment we live in directly affects our health and quality of life, as thousands of studies conducted over the past four decades affirm. The numbers of individuals suffering from environmental pollution-related illnesses continue to rise unabated, and although the World Health Organization (WHO) has alerted us to many of the threats we face, there is still much ground to cover in areas we are still unaware of.

The truth is that we should not only focus on reducing our environmental impact in public spaces but also take care of our homes. According to a YouGov survey, in today's Western world, we spend close to 90% of our time indoors, whether at home, at work, or in some form of transportation; therefore, the pollutants that affect us the most are where we spend the most time.

Precisely focused on addressing this important aspect, Biohabitability emerges, a science that studies the influence of the indoor environment on people's health and well-being, and examines the risk factors present inside our homes. In summary, this discipline analyzes the quality of a space to be inhabited.

The importance of biohabitability

Biohabitability identifies environmental stressors and toxins within a home to provide practical suggestions on improving the indoor environment. To do this, environmental risk factors and their related impacts are evaluated.

Joaquín Machado, researcher, electromagnetic pollution specialist, and CEO of NOXTAK®, a green technology company in Miami, points out that "there are many elements of our daily lives that affect our health and quality of life, objects and materials that have effects that, although not immediately visible, manifest gradually in our health. We live with these things daily without knowing how they can affect us or without even noticing they exist. These pollutants are unnoticed environmental toxins that create unhealthy habitats that can lead to the onset of sensitivity-related health problems and multiple allergies, sleep disturbances, unexplained headaches, persistent fatigue, and in the long term, some of these environmental toxins can increase the risk of various types of cancer."

Among the elements that biohabitability studies in homes, the following stand out: indoor air quality, moisture and mold, radon gas measurement, water pollutants, cleaning and personal care products, bioconstruction, and noise and vibrations.

Electromagnetic pollution in biohabitability

Among all the pollutants to consider, there is one that has gone unnoticed for a long time and is only now being partially considered by some biohabitability specialists: electromagnetic pollution.

"New technologies have completely changed our lives and the electromagnetic environment in which we are immersed daily. In the last three decades, cities have increased microwave radiation background levels by approximately 1,000,000%; we have experienced unprecedented advances in technology and connectivity, advances that we have gradually incorporated into our homes, workplaces, and every aspect of our lives," mentioned Machado.

Today we live in increasingly technified spaces, electrical installations run through walls, ceilings, and floors around us, and we have countless electrical outlets without proper grounding. In addition, our homes and offices are hyperconnected with high-speed telecommunications signals and WiFi.

While we have greatly enjoyed all the benefits that technology has brought us, we also face a scenario with significantly negative consequences for the environment, public health, and even the hyperconnectivity we seek to achieve in the near future, as our spaces are plagued with artificial electromagnetic fields that cause negative effects on our health and all the biological systems around us.

These artificial electromagnetic fields are unbalanced and contain interferences that not only affect our health and the environment but also technologies, generating inefficient electricity consumption, static in communications, and affecting the propagation pattern of wireless signals, especially affecting offices and homes with a smart standard.

What needs to be understood about electromagnetic pollution

"Biohabitability must study the home as a doctor studies a patient: analyze the complete panorama, understand the symptoms, and all the seemingly invisible connections that generate problems in more than one aspect. In the panorama that this discipline must analyze, electromagnetic pollution must be an unavoidable environmental factor and as important as any other type of environmental pollution that affects our well-being," Machado emphasized.

However, addressing the issue must be realistic and efficient, and for this, specialists must understand exactly what the causes, consequences, and possible solutions for electromagnetic pollution are.

Firstly, it is necessary to differentiate between natural and artificial electromagnetic fields. As mentioned, natural electromagnetic fields are an active part of our species' evolution and well-being; they promote the most basic biological impulses of our body and should not be deprived of them under any circumstances.

On the other hand, artificial fields, also called electromagnetic pollution, are those emitted by man-made technologies. These are full of interferences and disturbances at a fundamental level and represent a problem because they are polarized. This artificial polarization makes them incompatible with biological systems, generating disruptions at the cellular level that can manifest in the short term as sleep problems, headaches, auditory conditions, and other signs of discomfort; or in the long term in various degenerative diseases, depending on individual sensitivity, pre-existing health conditions, or lifestyle.

This difference is fundamental, and every biohabitability specialist must be aware of it: electromagnetic fields are not a problem, electromagnetic pollution (artificially polarized electromagnetic fields) is.

Technology is not the enemy, and blocking radiation is neither correct nor safe

Understanding the true problem of electromagnetic pollution, it is important for biohabitability to provide realistic solutions, and proposing the reduction or elimination of technologies definitively is not one of them. In the current world, technology is necessary and is part of our future prospects; no "solution" that involves stopping using them or limiting them is viable.

In this regard, biohabitability must also consider that anti-radiation solutions are not suitable for the purpose they pursue, and according to Joaquín Machado, the reasons are clear:

Due to their blocking nature, fabrics, paints, and anti-radiation devices deprive users of interacting with the natural electromagnetic fields that their bodies need for well-being. The materials from which these solutions are made limit the operation of equipment and interfere with signals, which interferes with the standard of smart homes. By blocking radiation, equipment works harder to find signals and function, causing overheating and greater radiation generation in the vicinity of the equipment.

The correct approach to electromagnetic pollution for biohabitability

Fully understanding the problem and aware of what should not be done, according to Machado, there are two viable and effective approaches for biohabitability specialists:

Home changes

It is possible to mitigate electromagnetic pollution by making some changes at home. Firstly, it is important to check the state of the electrical installations at home, as a poorly maintained electrical system without proper grounding, besides representing a security hazard for the inhabitants and electrical appliances, is a significant emitter of electromagnetic pollution.

In homes under construction, it is suggested to carry out the relevant installations hand in hand with a biohabitability specialist, who together with the electrician and the architect could propose a strategic design of the system to minimize emissions in spaces such as bedrooms and rest areas. In the case of already built houses, it is suggested to thoroughly study the system and make changes in wiring, grounding, and installations as necessary. It is important to highlight that the quality of the electrical material is also key to reducing emissions.

Another important aspect is the lighting systems at home. "Lighting systems induce electromagnetic pollution in electrical lines in the form of electromagnetic interference. This adds to other interferences generated by all devices connected to the wiring, in addition to external sources of electrocontamination. So, lighting systems are, first and foremost, generators of dirty electricity," comments Machado.

What happens with dirty electricity is that we cannot avoid it unless we do not use electricity at all or implement filtering technologies. But if you want to start, there are some changes you can make in the lighting system to reduce those levels of dirty electricity:

Switches: The switches you use are fundamental when it comes to dirty electricity. For example, dimmer-controlled switches are huge sources of accumulation of these electrical interferences, so the more dimmers, the more dirty electricity there is in the wiring. Bulbs: The type of bulbs is also vital for controlling dirty electricity. For example, fluorescent bulbs are highly polluting and consume a lot of energy, while LED bulbs are cleaner, safer, and save more energy. Likewise, it is important to recommend a change in habits at home regarding the use of, for example, electrical extensions. Electrical extensions take the wiring out of the walls and bring the interferences and dirty electricity closer to us. Extensions should not be used in bedrooms, and their use should be minimized in other areas of the home. If, for some reason, one is needed, it is recommended to acquire quality extensions, with thick and well-insulated cables.

Electromagnetic pollution filtering technologies

"Electromagnetic pollution can be controlled 100% under a filtering approach. Technologies like the ones used in my company, called SPIRO® (Spin-Radiation Organizer Technology), are ideal for this because they eliminate the adverse effects of electrocontamination while allowing users to continue enjoying the benefits of technology," Machado asserts.

SPIRO®, developed by NOXTAK®, is the only non-blocking solution for electrocontamination that repolarizes electromagnetic waves to behave like natural ones. By eliminating disturbances and interferences in radiation, this technology not only cleans spaces but also contributes to the health of users and improves the functionality and connectivity of technologies.

"There is much to be done to raise awareness among the public about Electromagnetic pollution and the solutions that can control it. The purpose is for not only disciplines like biohabitability to be aware of this issue but also more ordinary people and especially governments and industries so that healthier standards can be promoted in the manufacturing of technologies and in the urbanity of smart cities, as well as regulations that protect the environment and consumers from this inadvertent environmental toxin," Machado added.

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