The quality of electrical power in homes and offices is frequently compromised by the presence of harmonics and transients, phenomena commonly referred to as "dirty electricity". These disturbances arise mainly from the massive use of electronic devices with nonlinear loads that introduce distortions into the electrical grid. The growing reliance on digital technologies has exponentially increased these levels of electromagnetic pollution, posing not only risks to technological infrastructure, but also opening up new vulnerabilities in information security.
Recent research has shown that electromagnetic emissions from dirty electricity can inadvertently carry encoded information extracted from data packets processed by devices connected to the power grid. This phenomenon represents a critical risk to computer security, especially in highly sensitive environments such as government facilities, critical infrastructure, and enterprise networks with privileged information.
The present research explores the relationship between electrical power quality and computer security vulnerabilities, with emphasis on how harmonics and transients can become vectors for data exfiltration in air-gapped systems.
Harmonics and Transients: Nature and Origin of Electrical Pollution
Definition and Characteristics of Electrical Harmonics
Harmonics are frequency components that represent integer multiples of the fundamental frequency of the power grid (50 or 60 Hz, depending on the country). These emerge when electronic devices, particularly those with switching power supplies and nonlinear loads, alter the original sine waveform of the electrical supply.
The switching and regulation process used in these devices introduces sudden variations in the load, generating distortions that propagate through the electrical network. As a result, electromagnetic "dirt" increases, raising the presence of high-frequency components that can cause:
Increased electromagnetic noise in telecommunications systems, affecting signal integrity and reducing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Accelerated deterioration of electrical equipment due to eddy currents that cause vibrations, overheating, and premature failure of transformers and motors.
Material fatigue and mechanical wear, particularly in components sensitive to vibrations and voltage fluctuations.
Electrical Transients: Impact on the Grid
Electrical transients—sudden spikes in voltage or current—represent another form of electromagnetic pollution that compromises grid stability. These fluctuations not only affect the operation of connected devices, but also generate electromagnetic emissions that extend across a wide spectrum of frequencies, facilitating the propagation of interference and possible information leaks.
The combination of harmonics and transients creates a complex electromagnetic environment where signals can interfere with each other and generate patterns that, under certain conditions, could be interpreted as structured data.
Main Sources of Electromagnetic Pollution
In modern residential and corporate environments, multiple devices contribute to the generation of harmonics and transients, affecting the quality and stability of the electrical grid:
Electronic and Computer Equipment
Computers, servers, printers, and other devices with switching mode power supplies (SMPS) are responsible for a significant portion of harmonics in the network. The rapid switching of these systems introduces transients and distortions into the current waveform, increasing electromagnetic noise and degrading the efficiency of the network.
LED Lighting & Electronic Ballasts
Although designed to improve energy efficiency, modern lighting systems based on LED technology and their electronic drivers can generate considerable harmonic distortions. Studies have shown that poorly designed electronic ballasts and LED drivers can amplify electromagnetic pollution, affecting sensitive equipment in its environment.
HVAC Equipment & Appliances
Air conditioning systems, refrigerators, and other energy-intensive appliances generate current and harmonic peaks during their on/off cycles. In particular, variable speed motors and electronic compressors can introduce voltage fluctuations that affect the overall stability of the power grid.
The simultaneous use of these devices in the same environment causes constant alterations in the quality of power, raising the level of electromagnetic noise in the electrical infrastructure. As a result, the likelihood of interference in telecommunications systems and premature failures of sensitive electronic equipment increases.
Material Deterioration and Fatigue
The continuous presence of harmonics and transients generates vibrations and oscillations in the electrical network, which causes negative effects on electronic and electrical equipment:
Mechanical wear: Transients can induce vibrations in critical components, accelerating material fatigue and causing premature failure of sensitive devices.
Overheating: Harmonics generate eddy currents that increase the temperature in transformers, motors, and other components, reducing their efficiency and lifespan.
Interference in electronic circuits: Electromagnetic noise induced by harmonics can affect the accuracy of control and communication circuits, increasing errors in data transmission and compromising the stability of systems.
In addition to these direct effects, a key problem in the growing electromagnetic pollution is the poor design of electronic devices. Many appliances and computer equipment lack efficient emissions management, injecting back-up noise into the power grid. Although they comply with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations, these regulations are often permissive, as most manufacturers only seek to pass compliance tests without applying principles such as ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). As a result, modern power grids become saturated with disturbances generated by the very devices that depend on them.
This phenomenon not only deteriorates the quality of the energy, but also subjects other connected equipment to an aggressive electromagnetic environment. Increased Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) raises the level of electromagnetic noise in the environment, reducing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and affecting the efficiency of communications in wired and wireless networks.
TEMPEST and the Risk of Data Exfiltration
The term TEMPEST refers to the ability to intercept unintentional electromagnetic emissions to extract sensitive information. Originally, these vulnerabilities were studied in government and military environments with the aim of protecting data using shielding techniques. However, recent studies have shown that exposure to this threat extends to businesses, institutions, and ordinary users, due to a lack of awareness about the amount of data that can leak through dirty electricity.
Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Attack
Despite the use of measures such as Faraday cages, it has been proven that even ultra-weak emissions generated by transients and harmonics can be intercepted. Research such as the COVID-bit attack has shown that malware present on a computer can manipulate the CPU load to generate electromagnetic emissions capable of transmitting information to nearby devices without the need for a physical connection.
As documented by Mordechai Guri (2022) in his research "COVID-bit: Keep a Distance of (at least) 2m From My Air-Gap Computer!", this type of malware exploits the dynamic power consumption of modern computers and manipulates momentary loads on CPU cores to generate low-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the 0 to 60 kHz band. Sensitive information (files, encryption keys, biometric data, etc.) can be modulated on top of these electromagnetic signals and captured by a nearby mobile phone at speeds of up to 1000 bits/second.
Similarly, the research "GAIROSCOPE: Injecting Data from Air-Gapped Computers to Nearby Gyroscopes" (Guri, 2022) demonstrates that it is possible to transmit data from isolated computers using ultrasonic waves that affect the MEMS gyroscopes of nearby smartphones, without requiring access to the device's microphone (which is generally more protected in mobile operating systems). These inaudible frequencies produce tiny mechanical oscillations in the smartphone's gyroscope, which can be demodulated to obtain binary information.
Malware based on magnetic emissions
Researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel have developed proofs of concept for malware that exploit data exfiltration using magnetic emissions:
ODINI: This malware manipulates the frequency of the magnetic signal generated by the CPU to modulate data in an FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) channel. During testing, ODINI achieved a transfer rate of up to 40 bits per second at a distance of 100-150 cm, enough to steal passwords and encryption keys.
MAGNETO: Similar to ODINI, but designed to transmit data to a smartphone through the device's magnetometer. It can operate at speeds of 0.2 to 5 bits per second, even when the receiver is inside a Faraday cage or in airplane mode.
These methods demonstrate that even in supposedly protected environments, data exfiltration is possible by harnessing electromagnetic fields generated by common hardware.
Playing with Oscillations: How Dirty Electricity Can Carry Data
The oscillations generated by harmonics and the artificial polarization of electromagnetic fields can act as invisible data packets in the electromagnetic environment. This phenomenon occurs as follows:
Signal modulation: Electronic devices with switching power supplies generate modulated electromagnetic emissions, which function as a fingerprint of the equipment. These broadcasts can encapsulate information without user intervention.
Reception by sensitive devices: Nearby electronic equipment, including low-cost devices such as smartphones, can capture these oscillations. With the use of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to analyze these signals and extract valuable information without the need for physical access to the target device.
Risk of data theft: These covert channels of communication allow the exfiltration of information without triggering alarms in conventional security systems, which represents a critical danger in isolated networks (air-gapped) and sensitive environments such as government institutions or critical infrastructures.
To mitigate the risk of information leakage through unintentional electromagnetic emissions, it is necessary to adopt multi-layered security strategies.
First Layer of Security: Specialized Low-Pass Filters
One of the most effective strategies to reduce vulnerability to these emissions is the use of low-pass filters with specific response over a wide range of frequencies. These filters can be implemented in series within an electromagnetic safety architecture.
The benefits of these filters include:
Superior harmonic attenuation: Implementing properly designed filters can suppress unwanted frequencies, reducing the chance of signals being intercepted and processed as data. With attenuations greater than 99%, the risk of covert information extraction within the power line noise is minimized.
Improved signal quality: By eliminating electromagnetic noise caused by transients and high-frequency spikes, the stability of the power grid is optimized and the integrity of connected equipment is protected.
Application in electromagnetic shielding: The use of SPIRO in coatings or as part of shielding devices can be essential to reduce exposure to potentially exploitable emissions, contributing to the protection of information in critical environments.
Second Layer of Security: Nanocomposite Materials and SPIRO
The application of advanced materials in shielding systems is crucial to mitigate data leakage through electromagnetic emissions. There are nanocomposites and alloys specifically designed to disperse and block emissions from electronic equipment.
SPIRO Material Properties
Dismantling encapsulated data: SPIRO is able to modify the artificial polarization of electromagnetic fields, altering the coherence of harmonic oscillations. This interrupts the structure of electromagnetic emissions, preventing them from being used as channels for information leakage.
Passive Electromagnetic Data Erasure: Unlike traditional shielding methods, SPIRO not only blocks emissions, but also breaks down the information encapsulated within oscillations, acting as a highly effective passive filter.
Integration into shielding systems: The use of SPIRO in coatings and shielding structures helps to reduce exposure to exploitable electromagnetic emissions.
Risk of data theft is real
Harnessing unintentional emissions for data transmission poses serious risks in terms of information security. Among the critical points are:
Silent exfiltration: Techniques such as those demonstrated in GAIROSCOPE and COVID-bit illustrate how sensitive data can be transmitted through unconventional channels without requiring privileged or obvious access to the system.
Threat in air-gapped environments: Even isolated networks, designed to protect critical information, can be vulnerable to capture these emissions if proper electromagnetic shielding measures are not implemented.
Impact on critical infrastructure: The proliferation of electronic devices in industrial and office environments increases the likelihood that dirty electricity will become a vector for attacks and data loss.
Health Impact: Effects of Dirty Electricity on the Body
The convergence between dirty electricity, electromagnetic emissions, and their ability to carry data has opened up an interdisciplinary field of study involving not only electrical engineering and cybersecurity, but also public health.
Mechanisms of Biological Damage
A seminal study by Panagopoulos et al. (2021) provides a detailed explanation of how artificial electromagnetic fields can cause biological damage through the "forced ion oscillation mechanism". This mechanism describes how polarized and coherent electromagnetic fields (characteristic of artificial EMFs) cause an irregular opening of voltage-gated ion channels in cell membranes. This dysfunction alters intracellular ionic concentrations, destabilizing electrochemical balance and cellular homeostasis, ultimately leading to overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage.
Importantly, as Panagopoulos and colleagues point out, almost all artificial radio frequency (RF) EMFs include extremely low frequency (ELF) components in the form of modulation, pulses, and random variability. These ELF components, together with polarization and coherence, are common characteristics of artificial electromagnetic fields that fundamentally differentiate them from natural fields, explaining their biologically disruptive potential.
It has been shown that prolonged exposure to Artificial Quantum Noise (AQN) generated by harmonics and transients can induce various biological alterations in the body:
Documented Biological Impacts
Oxidative stress and DNA damage: Research by Kim et al. (2017) demonstrated that exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (0.8 mT, 60 Hz) significantly increases the production of nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in macrophage cells. This study also revealed that EMFs can amplify inflammatory responses and decrease the effectiveness of antioxidants, creating an environment conducive to cell and tissue damage. The resulting reactive oxygen species can directly damage DNA, which is associated with cell death, infertility, and other pathologies, including cancer.
Intensified inflammatory responses: As the study by Kim et al. demonstrates, exposure to electromagnetic fields can increase the translocation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) to the cell nucleus and elevate the activation of activated nuclear factor T cells (NFATs), molecules that act in the pro-inflammatory signaling cascade. These mechanisms explain why EMF exposure can exacerbate chronic inflammatory conditions, even without immediate obvious symptoms.
Disruptions in the sleep cycle: Disruption of artificial polarization and harmonic oscillations can affect the production of melatonin, a key hormone in sleep regulation. A cross-sectional study conducted at a power plant in Zhejiang Province, China (Liu et al., 2014), found a positive association between daily occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and poor sleep quality. This study, which included 854 workers, showed that subjects with longer daily EMF exposure time had a significantly higher risk of poor sleep quality compared to those with shorter exposure time.
Quantum Spin and Electromagnetic Polarization
At the core of these biological effects is what I have termed Quantum Artificial Noise (AQN) and Artificial Polarization of Quantum Spin (QSAP). At the quantum level, the spin of subatomic particles functions as a regulatory key in numerous biochemical processes. Evidence suggests that weak magnetic fields—well below levels that would cause thermal damage—can alter the balance of reactive oxygen species by influencing singlet-triplet transitions in radical pairs.
This radical pair mechanism offers a scientific explanation for the non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields. The spins of electrons and nuclei in transient radical pairs range from singlet to triplet states, and an applied electromagnetic field can interfere with these oscillations, altering the likelihood that the radical pair will recombine into benign or reactive species.
Importance of Integrated Countermeasures
To counter these risks, it is essential to address both the quality of electrical power and the protection of information by:
Optimization of Equipment and Power Systems
Upgrading and designing switching power supplies that minimize harmonic and transient generation is a critical preventative strategy. The implementation of devices with better electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) can significantly reduce the emission of high-frequency noise in power grids. Following the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle, manufacturers should design equipment that generates the minimum possible amount of electromagnetic pollution.
Implementation of Active and Passive Filters
The use of specialized low-pass filters and advanced materials such as SPIRO in electrical infrastructure can reduce vulnerability to attacks based on electromagnetic emissions. These filters have proven to be effective in suppressing upper harmonics and transients, reducing the possibility of emissions being picked up and used as data leakage channels.
As I noted earlier, conventional shielding methods such as Faraday cages do not provide complete protection against Artificial Quantum Noise (AQN), as it can propagate through quantum tunneling through physical barriers. Therefore, more sophisticated solutions such as SPIRO materials are required that not only block emissions, but also break down the information encapsulated in electromagnetic oscillations.
Continuous Monitoring and Analysis
Electromagnetic anomaly detection systems can analyze power quality in real-time and detect irregularities in emissions. This would allow an early warning of possible attempts to exfiltrate data or alterations in the electromagnetic patterns of the equipment. The IAS (Intelligent Analysis System) method represents an advance in this field, allowing the evaluation of real levels of electromagnetic pollution and determining the dangerousness of a specific emission.
Towards a Safe Electromagnetic Environment
The persistent challenge of dirty electricity—a combination of disruptive harmonics, transients, and electromagnetic emissions—demonstrates how modern energy systems can put both technological integrity and personal well-being at risk.
In terms of cybersecurity, studies have already shown that emissions from electronic equipment can be used for data exfiltration without the need for physical access or internet connection.
In terms of public health, current scientific research reveals detailed mechanisms of how artificial electromagnetic fields can cause biological harm. The "forced ion oscillation mechanism" described by Panagopoulos et al. (2021) explains how these fields cause the irregular opening of ion channels in cell membranes, leading to disruption of cell homeostasis and eventually oxidative and genetic damage. These findings are supported by experimental studies such as that of Kim et al. (2017), which demonstrate how low-frequency electromagnetic fields can amplify inflammatory responses and inhibit natural antioxidant systems.
At the quantum level, the concept of Artificial Quantum Noise (AQN) provides a theoretical framework for understanding how dirty electricity interferes with fundamental biological processes through Artificial Quantum Spin Polarization. This approach suggests that current regulations, based mainly on thermal effects, are insufficient to protect public health.
In the face of this growing threat, there is an urgent need to review power quality standards and rethink strategies to protect against unintended electromagnetic emissions. Advanced filtering strategies, the integration of innovative materials such as SPIRO, and the development of real-time monitoring systems emerge as essential solutions to mitigate both safety risks and health impacts.
In short, comprehensively addressing the threats of dirty electricity requires a paradigm shift that recognizes the dual nature of this phenomenon: as a vector of vulnerability for data security and as a determining factor in human health. Only through an approach that integrates quantum physics, cell biology, electrical engineering, and cybersecurity can we ensure a safer and more resilient technological future.
Guri, M. (2022). COVID-bit: Keep a Distance of (at least) 2m From My Air-Gap Computer! Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Guri, M. (2022). GAIROSCOPE: Injecting Data from Air-Gapped Computers to Nearby Gyroscopes. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Kim, S. J., Jang, Y. W., Hyung, K. E., Lee, D. K., Hyun, K. H., Jeong, S. H., Min, K. H., Kang, W., Jeong, J. H., Park, S. Y., & Hwang, K. W. (2017). Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure enhances inflammatory response and inhibits effect of antioxidant in RAW 264.7 cells. Bioelectromagnetics, 38(5), 374-385.
Liu, H., Chen, G., Pan, Y., Chen, Z., Jin, W., Sun, C., Chen, C., Dong, X., Chen, K., Xu, Z., Zhang, S., & Yu, Y. (2014). Occupational Electromagnetic Field Exposures Associated with Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLOS ONE, 9(10), e110825.
Machado, J. J. (2025). Quantum Spin and the AQN: Revealing the Hidden Cause of Electromagnetic Pollution.
Panagopoulos, D. J., Karabarbounis, A., Yakymenko, I., & Chrousos, G. P. (2021). Human-made electromagnetic fields: Ion forced-oscillation and voltage-gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage. International Journal of Oncology, 59(5), 92.